Author: edtech

Weekly Reflection

Post #1

September 17, 2024

This week, we watched the video “Most Likely to Succeed”. We had a discussion as a class and reflected on our views after watching the film. High Tech High is in San Diego, California. It approaches learning from a creative collaboration with students and fostering ways to real life problem solving. While staying away from the ‘typical’ standardized testing for subjects, High Tech High let students work on project-based learning through their exhibition night where they get to show off their projects. This is a more hands on approach and team building activities, than the traditional lectures of the teacher being at the front of the room and students sitting there quietly learning.

                Students on High Tech High are being taught in an environment where they can thrive. They can have their voices heard, such as Samantha directing the play for exhibition night. Students are in an inclusive class that has no set schedule or time. It is for the love of learning and the passion of the students and teachers. Students use technology and create as a learning tool.

                At High Tech High, students engage in self-assessment, not only their schoolwork, but also their own personal views. This encourages growth mindset. They have a say in their own learning journey and can see where they need to improve on. Teachers allow students to think about their outcomes and experiences.

                High Tech High is a different approach to education that breaks away from the traditional standardized methods. It focuses on preparing students for the modern world. It also allows teachers to teach their passions. Having engaged teachers that are excited about their subjects, also excited students.

EdTech Inquiry

This is where Assignment 2: Educational Technology Resource Development will be presented when complete.

We focused on different technology opportunities to support student and teacher in the classroom. Mental Health directly affects student’s well-being, academic performance, and overall development.

Stress, anxiety, depression, and physical problems like headaches, and sleep disturbances can impair student’s ability to concentrate, retain information, and perform well in exams and assignments.

In our presentations, we spoke on:

Youth Mental Health Statistics in Canada

Why Mental Matters in the Classroom

Supporting Mental Health in the Classroom

Calm App

Finch App



Social Robots – Moxie


Virtual Reality for music

Post #2

 Virtual Reality and Music

Virtual reality is an upcoming tool that is used in a variety of ways including in the classroom, occupational therapy, and in seniors’ homes. It is not only limited to those places, but has also become part of learning musical concepts, such as harmony, rhythm, and learning an instrument. Virtual Reality (VR) offers an immersive experience.

Meta VR has games that work on coordination, rhythm, and team building. Beat Saber and Synth Riders are prime example of this. In Beat Saber, players use both hands to hit incoming blocks in time to music. Synth rider follows the wave of music. These games help with hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Beat Saber requires players to stay on beat as they hit the incoming blocks which helps students practice time and tempo. There is a multiplayer mode that allows students to work together or compete in challenges. This strengthens teamwork and social skills. Beat Saber provides a fun way to learn music skills that go beyond just a game. Synth Rider lets players move their bodies while dodging obstacles in a dance like experience.

Unplugged provides a unique experience for players to use hand tracking instead of controllers. This allows players to play virtual guitar working on finger positioning and rhythm to common songs. Soundstage is a VR music maker where students can interact with virtual instruments that can encourage sound design and music theory. This game can allow students to create and produce music without expensive physical equipment. This can make it more accessible for students and teachers.

I started playing Beat Saber (this is my favourite song on Beat Saber, and is me!!), every night on VR. It was a way for me to escape. The music rang through my ears, and I tuned everything else out around me. I felt focused and determined I was going to get all those blocks hit. I may have missed a few, but once I finished the song, I felt accomplished! I also noticed my anxiety was lowered, Even when I played high speed songs that were more active, I felt better coming off of VR. It was a great stress reliever that I will continue using, when I feel I need it.