Author: misscarolyn14 (Page 2 of 2)

Why I wanted my Free Inquiry Project

Free Inquiry #1

In our Technology course, we were allowed to have a free inquiry project on something that interested us for our classroom. I decided to involve music, as it has always been important in my life. Since before I started Kindergarten, I began playing the violin. It was something my Grandfather and I could share. He made violins and played many different instruments. This was a connection we had. He also had a sense of humour, that always made me laugh.

As I grew up, I started taking exams to get my certificate levels from the Royal Conservatory of Music. When I was 12, my Grandfather passed way and I received his violin, per his wishes. This was very special to me. I continued with my music, advancing my levels and branching out to other instruments. It was a challenge to try new instruments and teach myself how to play.

When I graduated from High School, I was already teaching violin. I opened my own studio and continued this for over 20 years. Music has always been apart of my life. I taught my daughters music, from when they were young. It is an extension of who I am. I could not see my classroom without music in it. It can be incorporated into many different subjects, including:

Math: Music involves patterns, rhythms, and beats, which can help students understand fractions, ratios, and counting.

Language Arts: Analyzing song lyrics improves reading comprehension and vocabulary. Rhyming can be a fun poetry activity, making your own song.

Science: Studying sound waves, acoustics, and the physics of instruments deepens understanding of scientific concepts, such as how the violin has a soundpost inside.

Physical Education: Movement and dance in music promote physical fitness and coordination, while also teaching about rhythm and timing. This is a fun group activity for everyone.

Social Studies: Exploring music from different cultures helping students with cultural beliefs and traditions. Music can be studied through the eras.

I wanted to do a free inquiry project on music and the classroom, because it holds a special place in my heart. It can be used in many different aspects, for as much or as little as wanted.

Music is Life…….That’s why our hearts have beats

Inside a Violin

Weekly Reflections #4

In-Situ this week, was a great experience. Being in a K-3 school, was very exciting. Going into the Grade 3 classroom, engaging with the students to make a stop motion short film was a fun, creative process.

A stop motion film, also known as a stop frame animation. Is a technique used in film making, where items are moved in very small increments. Each movement is taken by a photograph, and then streamed together at the end, as a film. It is very time consuming, but can be very enjoyable and creative. We used the app Zingo Studio.

Using the Gibb’s Reflective Learning Cycle


We brainstormed ideas, using a sheet to plan out the story, and then began filming. Then after filming, we edited and added sounds and music, which was a collaboration with the students. After it was completed, the teacher uploaded and we each got to experience each other’s storytelling through our films.


My feelings were excitement and joy.


The students had some great ideas and it was fun to incorporate them into the film. Seeing them excited and wanting to engage, was joy for me. Having each student involved was important. After evaluating the class, I really enjoyed how the students worked together. Most already knew some parts of how to create a stop motion short film. I wish there had of been more time to plan before jumping into creating.


I realized hands-on worked well with the grade 3 students.


I would have a longer time, or different class, to start the planning process, and work on the handout sheet beforehand, but I felt it was a very successful class and many laughs were shared! Using the Gibbs’ Reflective Learning Cycle helped break down my thoughts on the class.

Students had fun creative ways to involve each other and their pets. Our Stop Motion Film was something I might not always remember, but I will remember working with the students, and seeing their excitement when they watched the final product.

Weekly reflection #3

My group made a stop motion animation film today about a family of penguins. We worked together on the story and added music to make it come alive. It was a creative project that was enjoyable and made us laugh. We worked together from picking out the characters, to creating a story, to editing the final cut. It may have been short, but it brought the audience into the film for those 8 seconds. There was emotion that could be felt by the main little penguin character, and the music that shared his feelings, at the end of the film.

Stop Motion animation was something I was unfamiliar using. Watching a video on how they used Stop Motion animation for The Nightmare before Christmas and Gumby was intriguing. Stop motion can be used in many different subjects in a classroom. English, Science, Indigenous, and many others. Students can create a scene from a novel in Language Arts, or a life cycle. Working together with other classmates, builds connection and communication skills. Using an app like Zing Studio to make short films, is a fun, interactive way to learn and understand material on a deeper level.

Using technology is a challenge for me. I learned how to download our Stop Motion film from Snapchat, to my computer, then upload it to my YouTube page, that I created. It was a process, but I am proud that I figured it out. I am constantly learning new strategies and tools to use and grow.

Weekly Reflection #2

A digital footprint on social media is the trail of data and information left behind when we interact online. Every post, comment, photo, and like contributes to our online presence, shaping how others perceive us. On the positive side, a well-managed digital footprint can enhance personal branding and professional opportunities like I had with my violin and piano studio. It showed my skills, achievements, and brought in students. A digital presence can connect people and promote community engagement through social media and online platforms. My followers might have been small, but it connected me with new families yearly.  A digital footprint can also have a negative outcome that can lead to reputational damage. When posting online, one needs to be careful.

When I googled my name, I came across my Facebook, LinkedIn account, which I have not used in years, and my past Music Studio that I had over 12 years ago. I found a few different ones, but all my information for my studio was on the oldest one. There was a link to a Facebook, that was most recent, but that is closed. Carolyn’s Violin Studio. There were maps and yellow pages as well, linked to my name. I found other people with my name, and it was interesting to look at who they were. I looked at their images. So many different Carolyn McLeans.

A digital footprint can have lasting implications, influencing everything from job opportunities to personal relationships. Everything stays on the internet, it’s just a matter of where to find it. Humas are curious people and when meeting new people, usually do a search online with their name.

It’s important to be mindful of what we share, as not all content may reflect our true selves or intentions. When posting online, we need to watch what it says about who we are. Managing our privacy settings regularly, reviewing our posts, and thinking about our online interactions, can give us a positive digital identity that aligns with our real-life values and goals.

The Benefits of Listening to Music in the Classroom

Free inquiry Post #3

In the classroom, teachers are looking for effective ways to enhance learning and engagement. A powerful and inspiring tool that often gets overlooked is music. Listening to music in the classroom can transform the learning experience, offering a range of benefits that support cognitive, emotional, and social development. It helps with all areas of a child’s development, including fine and gross motor skills, language and literacy, and
social-emotional (Childcare Education Institute, 2021).

Music playing in the background in a classroom creates a calming environment that can help students concentrate. Soft instrumental music has been shown to improve focus and reduce distractions, allowing students to immerse themselves in their work. Music also has a unique ability to elevate mood. It can engage students with learning and increase motivation. “Listening to music releases endorphins, which are the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals. This has many benefits, including calming anxiety”. (Childcare Education
Institute, 2021

Music is a reflection of diverse cultures and histories. Introducing students to music from various genres and backgrounds can enhance cultural awareness and appreciation, fostering empathy and understanding in an increasingly globalized world. Music can serve as a useful tool for transitions between activities. A specific song can signal the end of one task and the beginning of another, helping students adjust smoothly and reducing disruptions. This can help with a routine if you have the same song each time. By incorporating music into lessons, teachers can inspire creative thinking and problem-solving,
allowing students to approach tasks from different angles. There are many apps such as GoNoodle and YouTube. Music stimulates the brain’s creative centers, encouraging students to think outside the box.

Listening to music with lyrics can help students learn languages and improve vocabulary. The benefits of listening to music in the classroom are vast and varied. It boosts concentration, fosters creativity, and emotional well-being. Music can enrich the learning environment. By incorporating music into their teaching practices, teachers can help students thrive academically
and personally.

Music takes me out of myself for a few hours and can be very healing. It has helped me to concentrate on a task longer and with more confidence. When I work on my blog posts, I have music in the background. I have tried a variety of different types, instrumental, classical, 80’s (which usually I start singing to), so I stick to different types of instrumental, depending on my mood. I have played movie soundtracks, Disney, and calming music with ocean waves. I noticed typing with music in the background, gave me more of an uplifting feeling when I came off the computer, than when I was in silence.

Embrace the power of music and watch your classroom transform!

Childcare Education Institute. The benefits of music in the classroom. (Dec 14, 2021). Web. The Benefits of Music in the Classroom | CCEI A StraighterLine Company (

Pro Solutions Training. The benefits of music in the classroom. Web. The benefits of music
in the classroom (

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