Free Inquiry #1
In our Technology course, we were allowed to have a free inquiry project on something that interested us for our classroom. I decided to involve music, as it has always been important in my life. Since before I started Kindergarten, I began playing the violin. It was something my Grandfather and I could share. He made violins and played many different instruments. This was a connection we had. He also had a sense of humour, that always made me laugh.
As I grew up, I started taking exams to get my certificate levels from the Royal Conservatory of Music. When I was 12, my Grandfather passed way and I received his violin, per his wishes. This was very special to me. I continued with my music, advancing my levels and branching out to other instruments. It was a challenge to try new instruments and teach myself how to play.
When I graduated from High School, I was already teaching violin. I opened my own studio and continued this for over 20 years. Music has always been apart of my life. I taught my daughters music, from when they were young. It is an extension of who I am. I could not see my classroom without music in it. It can be incorporated into many different subjects, including:
Math: Music involves patterns, rhythms, and beats, which can help students understand fractions, ratios, and counting.
Language Arts: Analyzing song lyrics improves reading comprehension and vocabulary. Rhyming can be a fun poetry activity, making your own song.
Science: Studying sound waves, acoustics, and the physics of instruments deepens understanding of scientific concepts, such as how the violin has a soundpost inside.
Physical Education: Movement and dance in music promote physical fitness and coordination, while also teaching about rhythm and timing. This is a fun group activity for everyone.
Social Studies: Exploring music from different cultures helping students with cultural beliefs and traditions. Music can be studied through the eras.
I wanted to do a free inquiry project on music and the classroom, because it holds a special place in my heart. It can be used in many different aspects, for as much or as little as wanted.
Music is Life…….That’s why our hearts have beats