Author David Ward
Language Arts
- Have students write about if they were Owen and illustrate
- Have students write about a day when they played a sport
- Discuss and identify parts of a story, characters, theme, setting
Grade Level Modifications
Primary– chart to identify parts of a story, sequence cards for the story
Intermediate-more in detail about parts of a story, character details-traits, relationships to others in
the story, their actions
High School-essay work on parts of the story, write their own story in the same way as the Hockey
Tree, but use a different sport.
- Build a hockey team, use averages, goals and statistics
- Using a budget to have a hockey team they created
- Area-perimeter, circumference of a hockey rink
Grade Level Modifications
Primary– have students pick three teams, make a chart and tally up how many teachers/staff like a
team. Use groups.
Intermediate-Budgeting to have a hockey team, bar graphs of their favourite team scoring
High School– Statistics of a make-believe team they created and how they would work together
- Physics of hockey – force, inertia, angles, etc.
- Types of trees- life cycle of trees, go outside for a walk and mark down the trees they seecharacteristics, leaf, bark etc.
- Weather patterns and climate change discussing how they impact outdoor hockey
- Bigger and smaller than a puck activity
- Sink and float of different hockey objects, glove, puck etc.
Grade Level Modifications
Primary– parts of a tree and how it grows, nature walk to see trees
Intermediate– project on the environmental impacts of trees, weather patterns project impacting
outdoor hockey playing
High School– Physics of hockey, like momentum and energy transfer. Students can watch a clip of a
real game footage to calculate the speed of players and pucks
Social Studies
- Significance of hockey in Canada- history of it- do a presentation
- Significance of Pond hockey -presentation
- Project about comparing how hockey is in Canada compared to other countries
- Research a famous Hockey Player- Bobby Hull, Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux
- Project on Humboldt, Saskatchewan
Grade Level Modifications
Primary– mapping, where would be a good place for a local hockey rink Intermediate-make a chart of how to become a hockey player, famous hockey player research project
High School-hold a debate about issues in hockey, a paper about history of hockey, a player, or
Humboldt, Saskatchewan
- Draw a picture of what they think a Hockey Tree would look like
- Make a scene from the book using clay, and/or natural material
- Diorama of a hockey game on the lake
- Make your own tree pucks (during winter)
- Use a Ted Harrison project and take a photograph from the story for students to paint
Grade Level Modifications
Primary– drawing of a hockey tree, scene from the story
Intermediate– diorama of pond hockey, poster work
High School-Ted Harrison project, make your own Hockey Tree (art installation)-could be realistic or
Physical Education
- Teach skills of hockey, passing, shooting, teamwork.
- Play floor hockey
- Create an obstacle course using hockey skills
- skating
Grade Level Modifications
Primary– hockey skills, nature walk
Intermediate-hockey game, obstacle course skills, skills stations
High School-hockey game, advanced skills
A Story Book Lesson Day Plan is using one book that can be used across all classroom subjects. Creating this Story Book Lesson Plan on The Hockey Tree, was a plan I set at grade 4 level, and added modifications for different grade levels, that way it can be used across K-12.