Free inquiry Post #3

In the classroom, teachers are looking for effective ways to enhance learning and engagement. A powerful and inspiring tool that often gets overlooked is music. Listening to music in the classroom can transform the learning experience, offering a range of benefits that support cognitive, emotional, and social development. It helps with all areas of a child’s development, including fine and gross motor skills, language and literacy, and
social-emotional (Childcare Education Institute, 2021).

Music playing in the background in a classroom creates a calming environment that can help students concentrate. Soft instrumental music has been shown to improve focus and reduce distractions, allowing students to immerse themselves in their work. Music also has a unique ability to elevate mood. It can engage students with learning and increase motivation. “Listening to music releases endorphins, which are the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals. This has many benefits, including calming anxiety”. (Childcare Education
Institute, 2021

Music is a reflection of diverse cultures and histories. Introducing students to music from various genres and backgrounds can enhance cultural awareness and appreciation, fostering empathy and understanding in an increasingly globalized world. Music can serve as a useful tool for transitions between activities. A specific song can signal the end of one task and the beginning of another, helping students adjust smoothly and reducing disruptions. This can help with a routine if you have the same song each time. By incorporating music into lessons, teachers can inspire creative thinking and problem-solving,
allowing students to approach tasks from different angles. There are many apps such as GoNoodle and YouTube. Music stimulates the brain’s creative centers, encouraging students to think outside the box.

Listening to music with lyrics can help students learn languages and improve vocabulary. The benefits of listening to music in the classroom are vast and varied. It boosts concentration, fosters creativity, and emotional well-being. Music can enrich the learning environment. By incorporating music into their teaching practices, teachers can help students thrive academically
and personally.

Music takes me out of myself for a few hours and can be very healing. It has helped me to concentrate on a task longer and with more confidence. When I work on my blog posts, I have music in the background. I have tried a variety of different types, instrumental, classical, 80’s (which usually I start singing to), so I stick to different types of instrumental, depending on my mood. I have played movie soundtracks, Disney, and calming music with ocean waves. I noticed typing with music in the background, gave me more of an uplifting feeling when I came off the computer, than when I was in silence.

Embrace the power of music and watch your classroom transform!

Childcare Education Institute. The benefits of music in the classroom. (Dec 14, 2021). Web. The Benefits of Music in the Classroom | CCEI A StraighterLine Company (

Pro Solutions Training. The benefits of music in the classroom. Web. The benefits of music
in the classroom (